
Total Slacker

Well as usual I make some grand promise to blog regularly about a certain topic and I fail. Let me tell you, the end of the school year stuff totally kicked my butt. I felt like I kept running in circles trying to get stuff done, but still not getting it all done! It was very exhausting.

So, about working out.

I have continued to workout with the 21 Day Fix. I did slack a little the last two weeks of school, but I am back on track now!

After Round 1 of the 21 Day Fix

So far, as of right now (in my last week of Round 2) I have lost 15 pounds and over 12 total inches! I truly believe in this program and I am loving my results! I have a lot of people give me grief about trying to lose weight though. 

No, I don't think I am fat.

Do I think I am as fit as everyone else thought I was?


I would get so out of breath just walking up the stairs at school, or sometimes just walking to the mailbox.

I am blessed with an awesome metabolism, so that is the only reason my body never gained a whole lot of weight. 

I weighed 148 though before I started this program, and that is the most I have ever weighed. 

I hated it. 

My clothes were to tight.

I looked like I was in the early stages of pregnancy in a few of my favorite tops.

I was miserable, and decided something had to be done. 

My main goal with working out was to become more tone. If I lost weight along the way, great! But the goal is to become tone and fit, not skinny and thin. 

I love food to much for that!

I am about to start my third round of the 21 Day Fix. My goals for this round are to stay motivated and complete the workouts every single day. I don't want to skip like I did this past round.

Another goal I have is to follow the strict nutrition plan better, and not eat out as much. We probably eat out every single night. Now, I do make healthier choices when we do, but I enjoy cooking. I would love to get back in the kitchen and learn how to cook some healthy meals. 

I don't want to promise to much as usual, but I do plan on posting more. I can't keep slacking on everything like I have been doing lately. I have to do better!
Find me on Instagram to see what I'm up to each day!

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