
Books I'm Reading

Well number 10 on my 101 in 1001 list is to read 20 books. 
When I made the list I thought 20 books would be easy considering how much I love to read.
Boy was I wrong!

I just don't make the time for reading like I use to. 
I tend to come up with excuses and other things to do instead (like get on Pinterest).

Anyway, here are 8 books that are on my list to read. 
I know it's 8 not 20, but hey you got to start somewhere!

Here's a list of my books:
I plan on reviewing each book as I finish them, so keep an eye out for that!
Also, I will keep you posted on other books that I find that I would like to read.



Every now and then change is good. I am one of those people who doesn't really like change, but when I do change something I go all out! ( like the time I suddenly cut my hair into a short bob)

That's what I decided to do for the blog. 
I was over the look it had. It needed a total facelift. 

I recreated the logo at the top, added new icon links, added a new profile picture, and I'm working on a new about me page.
I have neglected this blog enough. It's time I finally give it the attention it deserves.

In the future I plan on posting more regularly, giving you a better look inside my life, and completing my 101 in 1001. 

Stay posted, you won't want to miss this! 

Brittney :)