I feel like the last day of school was just last week. Does anybody else feel that way? I guess time is flying by because I have been so busy lately. I go back to school in less than a month! How crazy is that?!? My classroom isn't anywhere near ready for a new year yet! I also just found out I will be coaching our Junior Varsity volleyball team this year! I am very excited about that!! I was SUPER nervous when I first found out, but it's starting to turn into excitement now! I played volleyball all through school, which was seventh to twelfth grade! It was my favorite part of school! I played every position there is at some point throughout the years. It'll be interesting to be on the coaching side of it instead of the players side.

House update:

House update:
Our new house is starting to come together pretty nicely now! It's nice seeing it without boxes everywhere. We still have a few boxes to unpack, but we're waiting on some we furniture before we actually unpack those. Sammy, our puppy, just keeps growing and growing! I swear he looks taller every day! I'm kinda obsessed with taking pictures of him, so if you follow me on Instagram you've seen a lot of pictures of Sammy. I try to hold back and not post so many, but he's just so darn cute!!
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