
Favorite Friday: Pinterest Top 5

I really do love colored pants. I have two that I wear all the time that I got from T.J. Maxx. I think I need to add some pink pants to my collection, and maybe a leopard print shirt too :) 

How great would this be for a laundry room? It looks so much better than having a bunch of those cheap plastic baskets sitting everywhere in the floor (like our laundry room looks like now). Maybe we need to add these to our laundry room when we get around to remodeling it. 

Now let's be honest, wouldn't you instantly feel happy walking into a classroom and seeing all those bright colors?!? I know I would! I love everything about this welcome center! From the colors to the organizations, it is perfect!

I am obsessed with this printable on Etsy. It is gorgeous! It would look so good hanging up as part of a gallery wall somewhere. Now, I need to decide where to hang this in my house! 

We have so much wasted space in our pantry, and I think this would be a great addition. They would be easy to have anywhere in your kitchen honestly, in a large cabinet would work. I like that I wouldn't have to leave my bag of potatoes on my pantry floor with those drawers!

What did you find on Pinterest this week? I'd love to know!! 



Favorite Friday: Pinterest Top 5

Y'all it's been way to long since I've done a Pinterest Top 5 post! We all know I have been on Pinterest! According to my husband, I might have a problem!

Here is what I found this week:

We all know I love my Disney stuff. Yes, I am a kid at heart.
Please don't tell me I am the only one so excited about Finding Dory coming out this month?!?

This Etsy shop has the cutest rugs! It was hard to pick a favorite, but I just couldn't get over this one once I saw it. 

Now, these might look a little unnecessary to some of you but let me tell you I NEED these! Sammy is a Goldendoodle, so he is very fluffy especially his feet. If the grass is even just a little bit wet when he goes out, he comes back inside with what looks like wet mops on his feet. I have a keep a towel handy to dry his feet off, and sometimes if it is really bad I have to use the hair dryer. These would make my life so much easier! 

Link (image source unknown)*

Nike. Anything and everything Nike. Need I say more?

Link (image source unknown)*

I am always in this constant battle with myself wanting to cut my hair short, and then wanting to grow it out long. I honestly don't know what to my hair whenever it is long. I feel like it is just so much hair and I end up just throwing it in a ponytail. Short hair always looks fixed and put together, even when it might not really be. I am loving this cut! 


(link broken and image source unknown)*

How adorable is this patio? Isn't is just dreamy? I would love to sit out there with a good book and a cup of coffee! 

Make sure you follow me on Pinterest where I am constantly finding new things. 

What did you find on Pinterest this week?


 ***unknown images were images found on Pinterest. If they belong to you please let me know. I want to give credit where credit is due. 


TDT: T H I N K - D E C O R A T I N G - T H U R S D A Y

Welcome to my first TDT post. TDT stand for Think Decorating Thursday. On Thursdays I will share decoration ideas I am currently implementing in our home, or some that I am obsessing over from Pinterest. 

Today I am going to focus on office spaces. In our house we have an extra bedroom that is currently being used as a junk collector. 

Seriously. It's bad. 

We don't have usable attic space, so that room has been where literally EVERYTHING has gone. It's so embarrassing. We keep the door closed on that room all the time.  

See! I told you it was awful! The rest of our house does not look like this a promise! Also, it's a bad quality picture (phone camera) but I really don't care. The mess is so bad and it's not worthy of a good quality picture!! 

We have been working hard to clean out the junk we've been hold on to, but honestly no longer need. The local thrift store has gotten to know us very well to say the least.

If you follow me on Pinterest you have seen I have been getting ideas for our new space. We plan on using the room as an office and a craft room. The room isn't huge, so we are going to have to be creative to make the space functional but not cluttered. We have clutter now, I don't want us to have clutter again. 

Here's what I am loving so far: 


Total Slacker

Well as usual I make some grand promise to blog regularly about a certain topic and I fail. Let me tell you, the end of the school year stuff totally kicked my butt. I felt like I kept running in circles trying to get stuff done, but still not getting it all done! It was very exhausting.

So, about working out.

I have continued to workout with the 21 Day Fix. I did slack a little the last two weeks of school, but I am back on track now!

After Round 1 of the 21 Day Fix

So far, as of right now (in my last week of Round 2) I have lost 15 pounds and over 12 total inches! I truly believe in this program and I am loving my results! I have a lot of people give me grief about trying to lose weight though. 

No, I don't think I am fat.

Do I think I am as fit as everyone else thought I was?


I would get so out of breath just walking up the stairs at school, or sometimes just walking to the mailbox.

I am blessed with an awesome metabolism, so that is the only reason my body never gained a whole lot of weight. 

I weighed 148 though before I started this program, and that is the most I have ever weighed. 

I hated it. 

My clothes were to tight.

I looked like I was in the early stages of pregnancy in a few of my favorite tops.

I was miserable, and decided something had to be done. 

My main goal with working out was to become more tone. If I lost weight along the way, great! But the goal is to become tone and fit, not skinny and thin. 

I love food to much for that!

I am about to start my third round of the 21 Day Fix. My goals for this round are to stay motivated and complete the workouts every single day. I don't want to skip like I did this past round.

Another goal I have is to follow the strict nutrition plan better, and not eat out as much. We probably eat out every single night. Now, I do make healthier choices when we do, but I enjoy cooking. I would love to get back in the kitchen and learn how to cook some healthy meals. 

I don't want to promise to much as usual, but I do plan on posting more. I can't keep slacking on everything like I have been doing lately. I have to do better!
Find me on Instagram to see what I'm up to each day!


21 Day Fix Day 2

Yesterday was Day 2 of the 21 day fix. My legs are definitely feeling the workout from yesterday! Sitting down and bending over is a struggle. For breakfast yesterday I had scrambled eggs with hot sauce. It was so good! I could eat that every morning and not get bored with it. I also had my cup of coffe and some pickles with it. Lunch was Cafe Latte Shakeology, yummy! My afternoon snack was string cheese. For supper I baked chicken and topped it with all purpose seasoning. The recipie for the seasoning is in the 21 Day Fix book that comes with the challenge pack, and it taste wonderful. I put my chicken on a bed of brown rice with a side of green beans. I put the same seasoning on my green beans which made them so good! My evening snack was some organic fruit gummies. I don't think they're 21 Day Fix approved, but it was almost bed time and I was hungry so it was something satisfying and quick.  

Yesterday's workout focused on the upper body. Now, it still worked everything else but it was mainly shoulder and arms type workouts along with some ab work. It was great to give my legs a little break since they were so sore from the day before. 

Even though I am only 2 days in, I am absolutely loving this program! I can already tell I am going to see great results! 

Love my Shakeology! 

21 Day Fix Day 1

Ok, so I successfully completed day 1 of my 21 day fix. For breakfast I made a spinach and mushroom omelet, which I hated by the way. I would much rather just eat my egg with a small salad on the side. I'm weird about certain food mixing and the spinach with my eggs was just gross to me, but I ate it anyway. Don't want to waste it right? For a snack I had one thing of string cheese. Lunch was skipped (not recommended) only because I took a pretty long nap. By the time I woke up from my nap it was to late for lunch because it would have interfered with my appetite for supper. Instead I made a Shakeology shake and OH MY GOODNESS it was so yummy! I've never had it before and it did not disappoint. Cafe Latte flavor is my favorite so far! Supper was not a completely wonderful meal. We ate at Cracker Barrel for my Pawpaw's birthday. I ordered vegetables, which sounds good until I ordered the dumplings as one of my vegetables. Oops!! 

The workout today was a full body cardio. Let me be really honest, I was needed water after the warmup. I am so out of shape!! The workout was great though. It only last for 30 minutes, so it went by pretty fast. There is also one person in the group on the workout that is the modifier, so if the workout gets to difficult you can just follow that person. I noticed I was getting way too tired too fast, so I stuck with that modifier. It was still a great workout! I'm definitely sore from it! 


New Beginnings

Well, well, well. I am actually writing a blog post! It has seriously been to long! 

Have you ever wanted to make a change for the better, but wasn't sure how or where to start? 

Wanted to start a healthy lifestyle, but became to overwhelmed and quit before you even got started?

Well, me too!! Tomorrow I am completely stepping out of my comfort zone and starting something new. I start my 21 Day fix tomorrow! 21 Day fix is a Beachbody program that includes an at home workout, food guide, portion control containers, and wonderful coaches to help and support you along the way. An optional part of the program is the Shakeology, which is these awesome shakes that you can drink as a snack or as a meal. I hear they taste wonderful! I went ahead and ordered those to go along with my program.

Joining a group like this is something I would have never done before, but I decided instead of complaining about my clothes being to tight that I would actually do something about it! When you join you also get added to a group on Facebook with other people doing the same workout program as you. How awesome is that?!? I love that it is somewhere I have that will hold me accountable. That will keep me motivated because I do not want to have to admit to the group that I skipped my workout or whatever the case may be.

I am telling you all this to also say that I will be posting about it on here. I think writing blog posts about it each day will also hold me accountable with not only my workouts, but also with my meals. 

Wish me luck! It starts tomorrow! I'll let you know how day 1 goes!