I finally did it. I finally sucked it up and joined my local gym today. I have been contemplating the idea for several months now, but always put it off for later. I have some friends who go too, so we all can do the classes together. Going with friend definitely makes it more enjoyable.
Today my friend, Jess, and I tried spin class for the first time. Let me be the first to tell you that spin class isn't a joke at all! It's so tough! No only do your legs get sore, but your bottom get SUPER sore from sitting on such a tiny seat! Luckily, I didn't get discouraged today and plan on going back this week. I'm skipping a couple days to give my legs time to recover before I kill them again.
I'm also interested in trying the yoga class, and possibly Zumba. Who knows what all I'll end up trying! What are your thoughts? What's your favorite thing to do at the gym?
P.S. My friend Jess (that I mentioned above), and my other friend Ashley have a blog too! It's called Teaching with Polish! It's pretty great, so you should check it out!