It's been a while since I did one of my Top 5 Pinterest Pins post, so I thought now would be an appropriate time. It was a struggle to narrow down my recent pins to just 5 favorites. They're all my favorite that's why I pin them!
Here goes nothing..
1. These pillows are to die for! They are gorgeous! I love the coral print with the white background. They are a great size too! These would add a great color pop to any room. This Etsy shop is full of all kinds of beautiful pillows. I love them all!
2. I tend to over stress about things quite often. I have always done it and I'm not sure why. I have a touch of anxiety at time too. It's mainly when I am going somewhere completely new and not knowing anybody there. It also happens when I have to speak in front of people (particularly my age and older). I found this this blog on Pinterest one day and I am obsessed with her! I added an icon on my homepage of her blog so I have easy access when I'm on my iPad or iPhone. Mary wrote this post about 20 Bible verses on anxiety and stress. I think they're perfect! I plan on writing them all down and hanging them throughout my house.

3. I don't know if you all know this about me, but I love couponing! It's hard to do in my small town because we only have a few places to shop but I still love to do it. Not much excites me more then seeing my price drop dramatically after I hand the cashier my coupons. Talk about an adrenaline rush! This pin is about how to make your own laundry detergent. I have never made my own before, but I'm no against it either. We could save a TON of money by simply making our own laundry detergent vs. buying expensive detergent. I'll let you know how it works out when I try it!

4. My husband and I want to puppy so bad! Unfortunately we can't get one because we live in a renter house and the rule is no pets. So for now Ben and I drool over puppy pictures together (pathetic right?). Ben would love to have a lab whereas I would like to have some kind of dog that does not shed hair to bad. We want whatever dog we get to be an inside dog so how much they shed is a big deal. Poodles are great about not shedding fur, I don't think they shed at all actually. Now, I do not want a poodle; they're not my favorite (unless is a teacup poodle). I found a easy solution for us right here on Pinterest. Labradoodles! They're perfect in my opinion. Ben gets the big playful lab he wants and I get the dog that doesn't shed ridicliously, see it's perfect! How can you not fall in love with this little guy???

5. Last and certainly not least, this haircut. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.. Now, I have had shorter hair in the past but I grew it out for our wedding. Now that the wedding is over I knew I had to get rid of this long hair. This hairstyle was my inspiration. I knew I wanted it shorter in the back and longer in the front so I could still pull it back into a ponytail. Plus, it's just to cute when it's curled! This is form another fellow blogger who is new to me, but I can tell I love her blog already!

Here's a picture of my haircut too. It feels so much better this length! I think I'm going to maintain it like this.

What pins are you currently obsessing over?
Make sure you follow me on Pinterest so you can see everything I pin.