
Top 5 Pinterest Pins

June has really been kicking my tail. I signed up to take two class this month and it really is getting the best of me. Both classes are only 4-week class so I will be done with them in two weeks. Since the class do only last for 4 weeks there is a lot of information and assignments crammed in. I still work too of course. I am struggling to find a balance between school and work. I keep wanting to have my "lazy" time, but I just don't have time for it anymore. By the time I figure out how to manage my time better with these classes they will already be over!
I have been able to get on Pinterest lately when I am avoiding doing homework done with my assignments.
Here are my top five favorite pins this week:
1. Chevron Nails
I think these nails are super cute! At my job I am not allowed to have my nails painted unless it is just white tips. I love finding cute nail designs though for when I can actually paint my nails again!
2. Advil Liqui-Gels as an acne treatment

Unfortunately I still get acne. I have tried to figure out why I still get it so bad, but I have not found an answer. I saw this pin on Pinterest that said you could use a pin to poke a hole in an Advil Liqui-Gel then put the liquid on the pimple. It is suppose to take away the redness and swelling. I did it last night before I went to bed and this morning I did notice that my pimple was not swollen as much. It was still red though, but it's a start!

3. This quote:

I just feel like this quote has a good point. I think it would be neat to have this framed somewhere in my bedroom or bathroom.

4. I love this DIY project:

It's a timeline of important dates in a relationship. I would love to do this for me and Ben. We have been together 6 years so it would be interesting to see how much we have changed over the years. We aren't getting married until next year, so I will make this DIY then!

5. DIY Bathroom Organization

I absolutely love the look of these shelves for the bathroom! My counter top is very cluttered so this would be a great and cute way I could organize all of my stuff. These shelves are just crown molding! I could put my lotion, hair products, and perfumes on these shelves. I'm going to HAVE to do this!

Do you have any Pinterest post you are absolutely loving? Comment and tell me about them, I want to know!
Follow me on Pinterest by clicking here: http://pinterest.com/brittney6/


Relay for Life Part 2

Well I am pleased to say that the Relay for Life was successful despite the weather we had. All day the weather was decent until the afternoon, that's when it began to rain. Luckily there was a good size pavilion where the Relay for Life took place. Usually the Relay for Life is set up around a track so everybody can easily visit the various booths. Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera with me, I know crazy right! But I did have my iPhone, so I did take a few decent pictures. 

Here are my Instagram photos from the night:

The weather was not its best Friday night. It rained the whole time.

Me and my fiancé enjoying ourselves. This was our 6th Relay together!

My mom leading the survivor lap! She is a 10 year survivor!!

Luminaries honoring my mom and pawpaw, and in memory of my uncle. 

The crowd watching a touching video clip during the luminary ceremony.

Cancer is something that affects everyone. If it does not affect someone personally they know someone who it has affected. The Relay for Life tries to help raise money to go towards cancer research. I have participated in our local Relay for Life for 10 years. I love everything about it!
Here's the link to the Relay for Life website if you would like to try to find one in your area:


Do you already participate in the Relay for Life? What do you to to participate?

*The people from The Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society do not know me. This information is all my personal opinion. I am just a volunteer for my local Relay for Life.



Relay for Life

Tonight is a very important for my family. Tonight is our local American Cancer Society Relay for Life. The Relay for Life is special to my family cause my family consists of both survivors and family members who lost their battle with cancer. I will posting pictures on Instagram tonight and I will hopefully be writing a post about the Relay for Life soon. Have a great night!

Have you herd of the Relay for Life? Do you participate in your local Relay for life?



Ok, so I have been trying to decide here lately about what all I can do to help build up Brittney Rae Designs. I need to first, change the name of it from Brittney Rae Designs to something else. One day I googled it just to see if my blog came up, and a totally different website came up with the EXACT same name! Therefore, I feel like a name change is a must. Secondly, I need to determine exactly what items I will have for sale. I am full of ideas; it is just hard to decide on a few at a time. I wish I could create all of my ideas at once! Third, I need to create a focus on my blog. If someone was to ask me right this minute what my blog was about I wouldn't be able to tell them. This blog has become a very random place. I need to create more of a topic focus for the blog. I have several goals I would like to achieve in my near future concerning this blog and my business.
I am trying to keep myself from creating a ton of excuses for why I can't achieve these goals.
These are my top 3 excuses:
1. I don't have time to make stuff or blog.
2. I don't have the materials/money to make my products.
3. I don't have enough space to create everything.
I'm sure other people have the same excuses as I do when they are trying to achieve various goals. That is why I love this quote!
I need to quit with the excuses! If I have a goal I need to just focus on the positive aspect and do all I can do to achieve those goals! I need to do what I can, with what I have, where I am. My excuses are getting in the way of my dreams. I would love to create a successful blog and business, but it won't be possible if i keep creating excuses for myself. I am becoming more focused more and more everyday!
Watch out for exciting things coming up!
Do you have any suggestions for my blog or for the items I try to sell? Do you have a tendency to create excuses too? How do you focus to better achieve your goals?



I have become a terrible blogger. I was actually beginning to post things regularly and then I just stopped for some reason. I stopped around the time of my final, so that may have something to do with it. I guess I just needed a break from everything! Well I'm back now and will plan on posting things more regularly again. I will defiantly create a post that will be full of updates of what all has been going on with me lately! Be on the look out for it! Hopefully you all will accept my apology and forgive me for temporarily being a terrible blogger. 




It's official, I am obsessed with PLL (Pretty Little Liars)!! Thanks to my best friend I instantly because addicted to the t.v. show. I tried to never miss an episode (thanks to DVR!).
My problem is that the season finale was a week ago, and I just want to see what happens next! I don't know if I will be able to wait until this summer for the new season to start!
Luckily my sister liked PLL before me so she bought all the books to read herself. Now I can simply just borrow the books to cope with the season ending. Reading the books will actually be helpful because I started watching the show last season so I missed all the important information in the first season. Thanks to Netflix I will be able to catch up on that too!
 I haven't been able to put the book down since I started reading it!
Does anybody else love Pretty Little Liars as much as I do? Have you read the books? WHat did you think about them?


Bridal Fair

Every year in my local area they have a Bridal Fair where all the local vendors and venues will come and set up booths to advertise their business. Every year I always want to go, but I've never had a reason to go. I wasn't getting married, I wasn't even engaged. Well this year I actually get to go, and I'm the bride-to-be! I'm so excited! Even though our wedding isn't until next year, I love to plan ahead so being able to meet different possible vendors will be great! Another great thing is I am going with my two best friends! Hopefully after going to the Bridal Fair today I'll be able to check some things off of my wedding checklist!
Here's an example of what my checklist looks like. It's not identical, but it is very similar.
Have any of you been to a Bridal Fair in your area?


Here Lately

So I feel like I haven't written a blog post in forever (probably cause it has been)! This semester was going very well, and by well I mean calm, until about a month ago. It seemed as if all of our assignments and projects were due at the same time! They really weren't, but it all was only a few days apart. I have learned that I struggle with managing my time. I have the best intentions to get an assignment done, but then I suddenly have no time and I either haven't started or I barely got anything done. Time management is a weakness of mine. Another problem I'm having is sleeping irregularly. I feel like I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I just can't stay awake anymore and I think it's because I'm always in a rush and my body just can't keep up.

My point is between trying to get school work completed and my personal life I'm just running out of time in a day. I'm also exhausting myself each day, which causes me to fall asleep constantly. I need to really slow down and smell the roses as the saying goes.

Does anybody else feel like this happens to them too?




I absolutely love pearls!! I think they are the perfect accessory for any outfit. I am really trying to become more of a jewelry wearer because at the moment I don't really wear much jewelry. I would like to have a nice collection of different jewelry pieces to wear with any outfit.
 Right now though I have my pearl necklace. I always wear it when I am trying to dress nicer. It's my go-to necklace! I have a really pretty three-strand pearl bracelet I could wear too, but I'm not comfortable wearing it since I'm not use to wearing a lot of jewelry.
 I guess it'll just take me sucking it up until I am finally use to it!
Here's a picture of my necklace. I love to layer a button-up shirt and a sweater!
I think the pearl necklace is perfect with the outfit!

What do you think about pearls? Are you a jewelry wearer? What's your favorite jewelry piece?



I was actually able to sleep in this morning. It was absolutely wonderful! I still had time for my morning coffee. I'm getting a late start, but I'm still making time for breakfast. Making time for breakfast is a goal I have made for myself. I'm the worst about just skipping breakfast! I end up regretting it later though cause I'm starving the rest of the day. So even though I had a late start this morning I still made time for breakfast.

Do you make time for breakfast? What do you enjoy eating for breakfast?


Busy, Busy

Well my calm break is officially over. School started back about two weeks ago and all the assignments are starting to pile up now. I try not to get overwhelmed when I look at my planner, but it's hard not to! In my planner, December was pretty much empty, but now January is loaded! I don't know how I'd keep up with it all without my planner!

Do you use a planner too? How do you keep from becoming overwhelmed?



New App!

So I am probably really behind but I just discovered that Blogger has an app! I think this is so awesome! I don't always have time to get on my computer and write or plan a new post, so this new app should help. Now I'll be able to write quick posts from my phone! :) I'm super excited! I apologize if the format is different from my other post. I just need to practice using this app.

What other good apps are out there that I'm unaware of? Which ones are your favorite?




New painting! This is the first one I have done for 2013. Hopefully I will get to do several more throughout the year!
What do you think?



This is my first post for 2013! This year is going to be a very interesting year for me. On December 17, 2012 I got engaged to the love of my life! We are planning to get married during May of 2014, so I will be doing a lot of planning this year. I also finally graduate college during 2013 too! That is beyond exciting because when I started college the end did not seem near at all. I felt like it would take forever for me to graduate, but before I knew it here I am. It is an amazing feeling!
I do have a few goals in mind for 2013 along with my other accomplishments.
  1. I want to promote my business more. I would love to be able to make more money while also doing something I totally love!
  2. I want to be healthier. I want to not only eat better but also exercise more because as of right now I do not exercise at all.
  3. I want to grow my hair out really long! This does not sound like it would be a goal for this year, but it is for me! I always think I am going to grow my hair out, but as soon as it reaches a certain point I always chop it off. I want to hold back this year and not chop it off!
  4. I also want to save money. With this year holding a lot of major upcoming events it only means that I need to be financially ready to support them all. That means I can't just go but cute clothes or other thing I may want anymore, I will only buy the absolute necessities.
Do you have any goals for 2013? What are they?